Romanian National Aquascaping Contest


Life Aqua is a series product’s brand from MaxLite Engineering Limited.

After 3 years design and development, we launched Master Pro RGB Light since 2017. Life Aqua Master Pro is one revolutionary RGB LEDs aquarium light with self-developed unique technology. This design can create a vivifying natural colours by specific selected spectrum for aquarium, especially for Natural Aquarium (the most famous aquacape design style).

There are 3 remarkable features of Life Aqua Master Pro:

1. Selected RGB beams reflection under water. High optical permeability enhance the characters of the aquascape design.

2. Special designed structure to maintain heat aggregation and dissipation from LEDs, make sure the colour temperature of light stable.

3. Distinctive diffuser design to diffuse RGB beams cast from the light to water for reflecting the true colour of plants and fishes in the tank.

Life Aqua Master Pro has been recognized and admitted by many World Champion Winners and Aquascape Design Masters since 2017.

MaxLite Engineering

MaxLite Engineering

Life Aqua | Aquarium Lighting (@lifeaqua_maxlite) • Instagram photos and videos

Life Aqua – There Is Nothing Better!

Prodibio, the specialist to care about your aquarium


Prodibio was founded in Lyon in January 1998. We design, develop, manufacture and sell ranges product for:

  • fresh water aquarium
  • marine water aquarium
  • pond

Prodibio was bought out in May 2006 and transferred to Marseille and has been raising its international profile since then.
Indeed, its activity continues to grow in terms of its turnover and in the number of professional actors:

  • distributors
  • stores
  • public aquarium
  • aquafarms

All the actors manifest more and more interest on its products, expertise and professionalism and contribute to the expansion and growth of Prodibio around the world.

Today Prodibio generates nearly 85% of its turnover from exports and its ranges are distributed on five continents.

Our vision…

” In an aquarium, you can believe that you only raise fish, but in fact, you also raise micro – organisms.
The good health of your aquarium depends on your capacity to provide these micro-organisms with the best conditions for their development ” – PRODIBIO Philosophy


Prodibio, Aquarium Care Program

Prodibio (@prodibio) • Instagram photos and videos | AQUARIUM CARE PROGRAM

De mai bine de 60 de ani, brandul Tetra este lider în industria produselor acvatice. Fiind inventatorul primului tip de mâncare – sub formă de fulgi – TetraMin – pentru pești, Tetra a continuat să se dezvolte de la an la an, creând produse inovatoare, menite să transforme acvaristica într-o pasiune mai plăcută, mai sigură și, nu în ultimul rând, mai interesantă!

Tetra a crescut de la an la an oferind o gamă impresionantă de produse destinate peștilor de acvariu, celor întâlniți în iazuri și reptilelor precum și produse pentru tratarea și purificarea apei, îngrijirea plantelor de acvariu, acvarii, vivarii, filtre, pompe, sisteme de iluminat, tratamente medicale pentru peștii tropicali și cei de apă rece, etc.

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