Life Aqua is a series product’s brand from MaxLite Engineering Limited.
After 3 years design and development, we launched Master Pro RGB Light since 2017. Life Aqua Master Pro is one revolutionary RGB LEDs aquarium light with self-developed unique technology. This design can create a vivifying natural colours by specific selected spectrum for aquarium, especially for Natural Aquarium (the most famous aquacape design style).
There are 3 remarkable features of Life Aqua Master Pro:
1. Selected RGB beams reflection under water. High optical permeability enhance the characters of the aquascape design.
2. Special designed structure to maintain heat aggregation and dissipation from LEDs, make sure the colour temperature of light stable.
3. Distinctive diffuser design to diffuse RGB beams cast from the light to water for reflecting the true colour of plants and fishes in the tank.
Life Aqua Master Pro has been recognized and admitted by many World Champion Winners and Aquascape Design Masters since 2017.
Life Aqua | Aquarium Lighting (@lifeaqua_maxlite) • Instagram photos and videos
Life Aqua – There Is Nothing Better!
De mai bine de 60 de ani, brandul Tetra este lider în industria produselor acvatice. Fiind inventatorul primului tip de mâncare – sub formă de fulgi – TetraMin – pentru pești, Tetra a continuat să se dezvolte de la an la an, creând produse inovatoare, menite să transforme acvaristica într-o pasiune mai plăcută, mai sigură și, nu în ultimul rând, mai interesantă!
Tetra a crescut de la an la an oferind o gamă impresionantă de produse destinate peștilor de acvariu, celor întâlniți în iazuri și reptilelor precum și produse pentru tratarea și purificarea apei, îngrijirea plantelor de acvariu, acvarii, vivarii, filtre, pompe, sisteme de iluminat, tratamente medicale pentru peștii tropicali și cei de apă rece, etc.
Aquatia. Aquascaping și specialiști în plante acvatice. Vă oferim plante și echipamente de cea mai înaltă calitate pentru acvariul dvs.
Aquatia este specializată în plante de acvariu și si tot ce tine de aquascaping. Avem în stoc o gamă largă de plante acvatice de înaltă calitate, provenite de la cei mai buni producători din Europa. Lucram cu cele mai renumite companii din lume pentru a oferii clientilor nostri cele mai bune si noi produse pentru acest hobby. Veți găsi o gamă de peisaje și echipamente pentru aquascaping care să vă ajute să creați un acvariu frumos plantat. De ce să nu ne faci o vizită? Avem un magazin fizic și un showroom dedicat artei Aquascaping-ului, cu sediul aproape de Bucuresti.
Legend® it’s my DNA is a UK based company. The company’s field of activity is the production of fertilizers, conditioners and supplements for freshwater tanks, keeping in the best condition of plants and livestock.
Our experience in this hobby, plus a well-educated, involved staff who are constantly researching, is looking for solutions to the problems that arise during the maturation of our aquariums.
By choosing to use the Legend® range, all of this can turn into a bonus for you. We are an independent and private British pet care company. We never stop learning about our passion and we continually look for ways of sharing and imparting that knowledge with our customers and the wider community to support the welfare of livestock and nurture a love of aquatics.
With our premium product line, Legend®, our goal is to have a product line that provides a quick answer to your problems in a different, innovative way, something you wouldn’t do with a standard business line.
We have amalgamated the essential components necessary for Nature Aquariums, for the development and maintenance of plants, a line of products without compromises, rigorously selected and optimized in which we have added phytohormones, stimulants that exceed the standards.
We are committed to maintaining optimization at high standards.Innovation means tackling old issues in a new way.Legend® is the essence of old ideas crossed with new ideas that do not require the suspension of fundamental physical or chemical principles.
We offer truly innovative solutions that work better than competing products and save money through increased efficiency and focus.
Legend® products have been and continue to be based on solid science and research. That’s why our product range is dedicated to the freshwater aquarium. These include tampons, conditioners, filter media and medications that are specially designed.
Most Legend® products are completely unique and Legend® specific.