Life Aqua is a series product’s brand from MaxLite Engineering Limited.
After 3 years design and development, we launched Master Pro RGB Light since 2017. Life Aqua Master Pro is one revolutionary RGB LEDs aquarium light with self-developed unique technology. This design can create a vivifying natural colours by specific selected spectrum for aquarium, especially for Natural Aquarium (the most famous aquacape design style).
There are 3 remarkable features of Life Aqua Master Pro:
1. Selected RGB beams reflection under water. High optical permeability enhance the characters of the aquascape design.
2. Special designed structure to maintain heat aggregation and dissipation from LEDs, make sure the colour temperature of light stable.
3. Distinctive diffuser design to diffuse RGB beams cast from the light to water for reflecting the true colour of plants and fishes in the tank.
Life Aqua Master Pro has been recognized and admitted by many World Champion Winners and Aquascape Design Masters since 2017.
Life Aqua | Aquarium Lighting (@lifeaqua_maxlite) • Instagram photos and videos
Life Aqua – There Is Nothing Better!
Prodibio, the specialist to care about your aquarium
Prodibio was founded in Lyon in January 1998. We design, develop, manufacture and sell ranges product for:
- fresh water aquarium
- marine water aquarium
- pond
Prodibio was bought out in May 2006 and transferred to Marseille and has been raising its international profile since then.
Indeed, its activity continues to grow in terms of its turnover and in the number of professional actors:
- distributors
- stores
- public aquarium
- aquafarms
All the actors manifest more and more interest on its products, expertise and professionalism and contribute to the expansion and growth of Prodibio around the world.
Today Prodibio generates nearly 85% of its turnover from exports and its ranges are distributed on five continents.
Our vision…
” In an aquarium, you can believe that you only raise fish, but in fact, you also raise micro – organisms.
The good health of your aquarium depends on your capacity to provide these micro-organisms with the best conditions for their development ” – PRODIBIO Philosophy
Prodibio, Aquarium Care Program
Prodibio (@prodibio) • Instagram photos and videos | AQUARIUM CARE PROGRAM
De mai bine de 60 de ani, brandul Tetra este lider în industria produselor acvatice. Fiind inventatorul primului tip de mâncare – sub formă de fulgi – TetraMin – pentru pești, Tetra a continuat să se dezvolte de la an la an, creând produse inovatoare, menite să transforme acvaristica într-o pasiune mai plăcută, mai sigură și, nu în ultimul rând, mai interesantă!
Tetra a crescut de la an la an oferind o gamă impresionantă de produse destinate peștilor de acvariu, celor întâlniți în iazuri și reptilelor precum și produse pentru tratarea și purificarea apei, îngrijirea plantelor de acvariu, acvarii, vivarii, filtre, pompe, sisteme de iluminat, tratamente medicale pentru peștii tropicali și cei de apă rece, etc.
About Aquaflora
AquaFlora Nurseries & Micropropagation is a wholesale aquarium plant nursery located in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada. We produce all the plants we sell on site, using a process called micropropagation. Tiny cuttings, called explants, are removed from donor plants and systematically treated to remove all microorganisms. The result is 100% sterile plant material from which we generate superior quality plants for sale. Each explant is placed into nutrient media, which promotes rapid growth and division. After several weeks of growth, we transfer these new plants into water tanks to simulate standard aquarium conditions.
Our plants are all grown submersed, resulting in no foliage loss during acclimation to customers’ aquaria. Virtually all our competitors grow their plants hydroponically in greenhouses, and their plants will often ‘melt’ and rot after several days underwater in aquaria. Our plants will not melt.
There are several other significant advantages to our use of micropropagation:
- Plants are completely free of disease-causing bacteria and fungi, as well as snails, nematodes, and other pests, ensuring the highest standards of health.
- Uniformity of plant size and quality is assured.
- All species of plants are available year round.
- Using micropropagation, we produce a wide range of species, and so none of our plants are wild-collected.
We believe strongly in environmental awareness, and to this end our production is designed to reduce the aquarium industry’s negative impact on wetland habitats, locally and worldwide.
We guarantee our plants will arrive alive and disease-free. Our plants are packaged and shipped rapidly, to ensure they arrive in optimal condition. To protect plants during shipping, they are packed in recyclable Styrofoam boxes. During extreme weather, we include hot or cold packs as needed. It is very important that our customers are completely satisfied with their purchases.
Aquaflora Aquarium B.V. ( • Instagram photos and videos
Din pasiune pentru acvaristica. Am descoperit acest frumos hobby acum multi ani si inca de la inceput am ramas placut impresionati de peisajele acvatice. Ne place sa creem ceva care sa impresioneze, iar acvaristica ne ajuta sa fim artisti. Noi am ales acvaristica plantata pentru ca frumusetea plantelor sanatoase de acvariu este ceva de neegalat, iar schimbarile care le poti face foarte usor creeaza impresia ca ai alt acvariu.
AcvaristicaPlantata SRL este o companie ce detine ca principal portofoliu linia de fertilizare Plant Serum, cea mai populara fertilizare pentru plantele de acvariu din tara. Am creeat o linie de fertilizare completa , o solutie ideala atunci cand discutam de “mancarea” plantelor de acvariu. Gama noastra de fertilizare se adreseaza tuturor tipurilor de acvarii, de la cele normale cu cateva plante, la cele de tip olandez cu multe plante, cu nevoi speciale pentru plante pretentioase. Avem experienta si determinare pentru a sti cu adevarat ce isi doresc plantele din acvariile noastre, sunt atatea momente cand fertilizarea face diferenta. Ne intereseaza calitatea, iar plantele ne raspalatesc in fiecare zi cu un colorit intens si sanatatea lor. Ne mandrim cu un produs profesional romanesc, din ce in ce mai cerut in afara tarii.
Suntem aici din dorinta de a face diferenta. Seriosi si corecti, profesionisti si pasionati, ne intereseaza doar ca fiecare acvarist ce interactioneaza cu noi sa stie sigur sa produsele oferite de noi il ajuta clar in toate proiectele propuse. Noi suntem o echipa ce contruim un brand pe baza satisfactiei voastre, suntem directi interesati ca tot cea ce facem sa va aduca culoare in acvarii.
Acvariul plantat trebuie sa fie plin de viata, o oaza de liniste si relaxare dupa orele de serviciu. Sa reveniti iar si iar in fata lui, sa descoperiti mereu micuta lume subacvatica. Sa va faca placere atunci cand interveniti in aceasta bucatica de rai, sa ii dati forma si culoare, sa aveti puterea de schimbare ca de fiecare data sa fie ceva nou. Aceste schimbari sunt date in primul rand de plante, iar plantele sanatoase inseamna totul in acvaristica plantata. De acea Plant Serum o sa va ajute de fiecare data pentru a avea plante robuste si sanatoase, o contributie importanta in ecosistemul vostru creat cat mai natural.
Noi, pe grupul oficial, impreuna cu echipa Plant Serum ne asiguram ca va oferim tot ce le trebuie plantelor dumneavoastra de acvariu, solutiile pentru plante minunate ce vor incanta pe orice privitor. In triunghiul obligatoriu fertilizare completa-co2-lumina buna, fertilizarea noastra joaca un rol important in viata plantelor de acvariu.
HerbAquatic’s philosophy is that
a satisfied aquarist is a loyal customer. This is reflected in solid and reliable customer education and support as well as products proven their performance. While HerbAquatic has grown rapidly into a national firm, it retains the culture of a small company and is readily available to its customers. Our products are concentrated and well-balanced, this way end-users can easily use our products.
We have developed a complex formula, enhanced with phytohormones, a complex that gives plants a boost for growth. HerbAquatic is a comprehensive plant supplement for the natural freshwater aquarium. It contains a rich assortment of important micro and macro elements, trace elements and other nutrients. Our Ncplus complex contains calcium, magnesium, iron and other important elements that have been shown to be beneficial to aquatic plants. For macro element (NPK) fertilization, we provide with Alpha, all the macronutrients that plants need for lush growth and rich colors.
We offer good plants food and, with care and passion, the nature of aquariums can attain perfection, so we believe here is the point where nature embraces perfection.
The EHEIM Aquatics Group is made up of EHEIM GmbH & Co. KG, Müller + Pfleger GmbH & Co.
EHEIM is an international leader in the technical aquatic sector and offers a wide range of products for aquatics, reptiles and pond.
The company supplies 60 countries from its four manufacturing locations-Deizisau, Finsterrot, Rockenhausen and Guangzhou, China.